[-] Insert Name Here suggested:

Remove your leg

None left, sorry.

[-] gamesaucer suggested:

Where are you right now?

[-] spartinpants42 suggested:

Examine self, and number of pockets available.

Depending on who you are, either you have no pockets at all, or your trousers are like a universe and the space they provide just as vast. You have more pockets than there are stars in the sky or grains of sand in the desert. You could store the world thrice over, and still not run out of pockets. You are pockets. Pockets are you.


Or maybe you just have like a dozen.

[-] tmarks11 suggested:

Resign yourself to the fact you're likely going to have to do what your captor wants

You were aiming for the Moon, but he was aiming for the door. Sometimes, you need to make a compromise. You both miss.

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[-] A concerned citizen suggested:

More Garfield.
