So sayeth Yokcos:

Conversations and Containers

You can now converse with your allies and adversaries through the medium of bullets, as is allowed in any self-respecting videogame.

The obvious usage of this is to make some options harder and/or easier than others but I'm sure there will be a lot of potential to use these linguistic ballistics to add flavour to a conversation.

There is also now an alternative way to water crops as opposed to using the boring hose: Splashbang grenades.

Although at the moment considering they're consumables, they're a bit shit at watering crops. Definitely need to be buffed severely.

There will also not be this angry box. Angry boxes are not on the list of approved features for this videogame.


So sayeth Yokcos:

A Reasonable Stronghold

Look at this, it's a website that is arguably not some kind of abhorrent disgrace, although I will allow you to be the judge of that statement and form your own opinion accordingly. Rearranging the furniture and hanging of paintings around here will likely continue in the short term future as I consider the combinations of carpet and curtain colours and other such decorative minutia. Posts from here on out will mostly be on the topic of No Pain No Grain as opposed to being a website comparing itself relentlessly to a physical household. The ??? link comes right back here, I'm aware of that, probably will continue to do that for... a while. Few months, maybe a year.


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